Karen writes: Preparation for Rotorua marathon
Sensible eating - yeah sort of, a week before a marathon is not a time to cut calories but also not time to go overboard. I'm not being particularly successful here. In spite of my good intentions, it is far too close to Easter and there is still too much chocolate around, oh I have NO self control. Good on you Kate, salad and pasta for lunch. Gear stocktake - new tri-shorts, wore them last night. They ride a bit lower than my old favourites, so I have to remember to pull the bottom of the legs up so I dont feel like there is a danger of them wandering down. New top - this works ok, no chafing problems so far. New shoes, got a few km on them now, seem to be fine. Socks, new too, and it took ages to find the pair that I wanted. Buff visor hat, getting a bit shabby but I still love it, these things just dont seem to wear out, they just get ugly. Energy gels, got a few roctanes and some sportbeans already packed in my fuel-belt (with bib tabs) ready to go. Mans ha...