Karen writes: 5 weeks till Suffer
It's 2023. How did that happen? And how did it suddenly turn out that Suffer half Ironman is on again in just under 5 short weeks. Anyway, it's been a week of history popping up and giving me a poke, hey you, remember this or that? Except with an exclamation mark or two. HEY YOU...do you REMEMBER? One such pop-up was being out doing a fun-run and running across a member of the team who used to do duathlon and fun run events, we'd lost touch over time so it was good to see her still out walking. So for some reason I had to dig out the IronmanOurWay blog to just have a look back at what was going on in that distant world called the 'past'. Oh goodness, did we ever look like that? And we complained? How did we DO that? AND WE COMPLAINED? The good news is Kate and myself are both still active, or you could say if you look at things with that slightly dodgy (for some) lens of 'for our...