Karen writes: Delusions, resting and stretching
My Archilles tendons mercifully feel much better today…they were so stiff when I got out of bed yesterday morning I hobbled down the stairs muttering at my stupidity, and they ached if I sat down for any length of time. I don’t know about you, but if something goes wrong I head for the internet…and search… and search… and search until I find something which agrees with what I have already decided I want to do…which yesterday was keep running.
Unfortunately (fortunately?) nothing I read which I could pretend was vaguely reputable agreed with me, everything I looked at said "prevent" (yes, that's useful now), "rest", "ice" "stretch", "shoes", "rest again" etc. In fact there was a common theme along the lines of “BEWARE the rupturetearpermanantdamageneverrunagainsurgerystopnowifitgoestocustarditsallyourfault”. Enough to frighten even delusional me into submission.
So will I be sensible tonight and take another day off…I wonder?