Karen writes: 30km...just

The 30 km this morning was hard work.   In spite of catching a few hours of perfect Auckland winter weather I wasn’t feeling all that great to start with so getting to 20km was just ok.  Fortunately the company was good and I was pleased to catch up on some ancient history about people I had been to primary school with over in Beachlands.  25 km was bearable, but the last 5 km where I actually had to turn back and re-cover some ground to get the full distance was really hard.  Nothing hurt particularly, the camelpak was nearly empty and it jiggles around and chafes when the weight of water isn’t holding it steady, my legs felt heavy and sluggish too and I felt towards the end like I was running with a gait like I had just climbed off a horse.  I just wanted to go home by that stage.   I finally got there and hobbled up the driveway, it is one seriously steep slope which does stretch out the tendons and calves but covering that last 30 metres can seem the longest part of the whole thing.  Milk drink, shower, compression leggings on, lunch and then I went for a short lie down and woke up 2 hours later feeling thirsty and reluctant to move.   Seems to be becoming a bit of a habit this nap after the long run!   It will stop next weekend I am sure though, the girls will be home in all their glorious boisterousness and mum behaving like a tired old thing wont figure in their calculations.

Not sure about 35km next week.   Will have to see how much impact today’s efforts has on me over the next few days, I feel like I already ran that marathon.


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