Karen writes: Big run tomorrow
So Kate sent me a text this afternoon to say she had run 25km and afterwards was doing housework, I was impressed, she still had the energy to do the domestic stuff after 25km. I felt a bit guilty, I was doing nothing…but then I am on an exercise day off, and I tell myself that’s pretty important because tomorrow I have to run that 30km. So to make sure tomorrows effort (which I expect to take over 3hours) doesn’t do me any harm and mean I have to have recovery time interrupting the rest of my training, there is some preparation. First is taking today completely off exercise and second is having a good dinner tonight with quality carbohydrate and vegetables just like I would before a big event. Third, I will have a bit more for breakfast at an earlier time (weetbix and milk 2 hours before running instead of just 1 ½) and fourth I will be wearing only well tested gear, applying antichafe in all the risk places (especially important if it is raining), and taking the bigger 1.5 litre camelpak with some extra energy gels. Lastly I will tell everyone within earshot that I HAVE to do 30km so I don’t pike out and come home early! I am sure Kate will send me a text to check up in the afternoon, now to have to answer a text like that with a "no" if I didn't have the excuse of at least a broken leg or typhoid fever would just be too embarrassing.