Karen writes: Different routes to the same thing
In case anyone hasn’t noticed yet, Kate and I have very different ways of approaching our training. We could be training for completely different events if you compared what we are doing, what we prioritise and focus on. And this is the thing, we actually spend quite a bit of time talking about what we have done, running ideas past each other, planning and trying to figure things out, and still we end up going completely our own ways to suit our very different lives.
Kate is finding swim club, spin sessions, and her running group provides the impetus to get out and get fitter, it’s working well for her. I need more time flexibility, finding it impossible to commit to more than one activity planned at a specific time in a week, if that. I also am a creature who when they enjoy something they like to do it again…and again…and again. Currently that thing is running, I don’t want to cycle or swim right now so I am going to have to work hard to catch up to where Kate is with the other disciplines. For me, my running is a treat in itself and this has taken quite a mind-shift, to go from running being a chore with the endpoint of better health, to the enjoyment of running being the endpoint with the better health a fabulous side-effect. Not that it is always pleasurable while I am doing it I have to admit. At about 23km on Sunday with a couple more km to go my brain was saying “if you were running your marathon you are only half way and you feel like this already?”, but I know for a fact that I will be well rested for the marathon, the adrenalin will kick in, and I am very unlikely to feel bad at 23km.
This Sunday I have 30km to do. Now that is scary, the following week it is 35km, then back to 30km and then down to a more routine 25km (did I say that?). I have NEVER done this much mileage in my lead-up to anything, it will be a challenge to see if I can firstly do it mentally (“oh I am nearly at 3 hours, I’m sure that’s enough…home for a croissant”), and secondly can I cope physically (“is that a twinge to worry about or a twinge to run through?”). I think the mental bit will be the tough one. We have just over 5 weeks to go till the next marathon which is only actually 3 weeks more of serious training…I am sure both me and Kate will learn a lot from our lead-up to this one.