Karen writes: Monday gym at home

Home gym routine tonight using the exercises I learned last week (well I hope I got them right, might have forgotten some).   30 minutes of light cycling was prescribed to sort out my tired legs, and after that, I alternated high resistance on the spin bike, with doing a specific exercise, aided by the kitten who was all wound up for some reason.   It is bad enough when you are doing a press-up and something small a fluffy runs underneath you and out the other side, it is even worse if it stops underneath however.  

I made myself up some flash card things with pictures of the exercises so I can work my way through the pile, otherwise I would lose track,  get bored and wander off or at the very least skip the ones I didn't like.  It seemed to work ok, it became a bit of a game to shuffle them and promise myself I would definitely do them in the order they turned up.   I did them all but I admit I did cheat and rearrange the order.
But I feel surprisingly good today, I had no muscle discomfort from yesterdays big run, and the light go on the spin bike seemed to help too.   I definitely feel like I am stronger, will all this extra work translate into less time on the road in 5 weeks, or will it just mean it will be easier I wonder.


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