kate writes: underwire bra or not!

This might seems a strange question but when you have a bust that is a double d it is a question I keep asking. Where can I get a bra that gives me support, stops them jumping up and down and stops the sores. I was shopping in Botany yesterday and went in the Nike shop. I usually stay clear of it as I,m not an athlete  and it looks expensive. But the lady in there was lovely. Firstly we looked at socks. I now have a pair of socks with L and R on them. Being dyslexic this could be a challenge. We then went on to try some new bras. They were all large, some fitted , some were too large and some too small. One was just right. But it squashes me all up and I have fat in some very strange places. I went running last night, in the hail, and feet and boobs felt good. Will have to see how they go after a longer run. Thanks to the nice lady in the NIKE shop.


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