Karen writes: Active team

Any organisation which wants to do a small thing to contribute to the physical activity levels of their staff could consider what the DPT does.  DPT, among other things, set up a ‘sports club’ which matches staff member contributions of $1-2 per week.  This money can accumulate and be spent on such things as sports equipment, event registrations, gym memberships etc.   It doesn’t sound like a whole lot, but it does build up over time, and certainly helps reduce the financial barriers to exercise.  Its helpful too to have an environment supportive of physical activity, from the Board members to the team on the ground.  While I vaguely remember that there might have been a concerned suggestion that Kate and myself might not finish our first full round Taupo 160km cycle (after barely managing 60km in training, but that’s another story), usually the support is whole hearted and tremendously inspiring…which brings its own obligations…who would dare not complete something if the team at the office is demonstrating such faith that you will?

So we are proud of our active team, most walk regularly and pretty much everyone has at some point in recent years gone out of their own comfort zones and challenged themselves with something. Jayne from Gardens4Health did another Xterra run on the weekend just gone, this one was out at Whitford. She apparently had a wonderful time in the mud, describing scenes reminiscent of slap-stick, descending slopes sitting down, slithering across a bridge, and ending up with huge mud caked shoes… she loved it and joked with a friend that she may not turn up at the Hunua event because the organisers have promised it wont be anywhere near as muddy.   Richard, who heads the Gardens4Health team, has his own amazing challenge happening early next year as well, he is doing a 'Mountains To The Sea' challenge of his own devising in rugged country in the South Island, read about it here.
Mt Cook and Glacier lake - where Richard is heading
 And of course, everyone is winding up for the annual Feetbeat challenge, we have 2 teams sorted out, yet to be named, and we understand the Mangere Eye Clinic people are raring to go!
