Karen writes: Food as well!

Kate has been thinking about food, so have I, but its not really a surprise we have both coincidentally written about the same thing at the same time, you cant help it when you have a case of the exercise induced screaming hungries all the time.  But it is less than 2 weeks to go to M day and what is really the official start of our Ironman preparation, so I realise it is time I took a look at what I am eating.   Of course I should have been paying attention all through my training but I have to admit I haven’t been particularly wise with my nutrition, but what stands out is taking in too much caffeine.  The main source is energy drinks which tend to creep up on you, occasional use goes to daily use when it is report writing time, goes to maximum recommended to help get through assignment writing or exam time, and just fails to drop off again when the pressure goes down.  I don’t drink tea or coffee, but if you add some dark chocolate into the mix, then some caffeine energy gels for the weekly big run then it’s obvious I am getting more than my share of stimulants.  This doesn’t help keep energy levels stable in someone training hard with no functioning thyroid, time to knock the fizzy go-juice off (this is something most who know me hear at least twice a year, they just nod knowingly now).   So to be sensible about it, I shall reduce my caffeine intake over this week, I am looking at a small tin of sugar free V on my desk, thinking about whether I will succumb and have it now, or wait until after lunch. 

The next job is to dig out my favourite software and put a prominent link to it on my computer desktop so I can record what I am eating and hopefully get an idea of what other changes I need to make (yet again) to make sure that there is enough protein, quality carbohydrate, iron, energy and other essentials in my diet so I am in the best shape for Perth (optimistic thinking!).  Now, what else have I got to eat in my handbag?
