Karen writes: Sick
Halfway through yesterday I developed a sore throat and got progressively more headachy and miserable. After a night of tossing and turning and sucking on strepsils, I woke up this morning knowing it wasn’t a good day to go to work and share my bugs around. I got the girls off to school, and went back to bed and pretty much didn’t move for the rest of the day until I had to pick the girls up again.
When you are in fit condition you rarely catch bugs, or if you do they often aren't too bad and go away quickly. But when you build your fitness up to another higher level its quite common to go from one infection to another while your body copes with the stress of doing so much more than it is used to. I've pushed things harder than I ever have in recent months, I guess its not a surprise that I should succumb, what BAD timing though, why couldn't it have happened last weekend? The important thing now is to get over it...and soon.
But, its not just that being sick can impact on turning up for and finishing the marathon, its also about getting ready to be away from home and work for a whole 8 days (we attend the Australian diabetes conference after the run). I sure hope this is one of those lightening fast bugs which disappears as quickly as it arrives! So it was no run yesterday, absolutely no possibility of a run today, and my fingers are crossed that the day of sleep, an early night tonight and the bucket load of Echinacea and vitamin C does the trick.