Kate writes: being tired

Monday night run. There were just 3 of us at the meeting point. I was a little worried as i am a slow runner, but it was not a problem and off we went. The other two were talking away happily and I was huffing and puffing. It took about 3 k before my breathing settled and I could talk again. We got back to the cars and the others went on to run another loop but I had done my allocated 6k on my training plan so off I went to pick the daughter up. So why was i so tired when I got home. I looked at my diet for the day: Chicken rice for lunch, orange cake for afternoon tea, a can of v on the way to running, a piece of cheese cake at the daughters boyfriends house and beef curry at home , which I could not finish. Then I had to go to bed as i was so tired. A bit like a toddler when they have to go to bed as their behaviour has deteriorated. I think my blood sugars must have been doing a dance. Lessons learnt, if I want to run I must eat sensibly.


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