Karen writes: Spin bike gone, back on the road bike

I have taken my poor spin bike back to the shop, it was sent straight off to spin-bike hospital for repair.  It turns out it wasn’t something I had done to it (whew!), the bearing for some reason might not have had enough grease (or lost it in transit) so had probably given up the ghost after my bit of use.   I am assured it should be as good as new when it comes back, and in the mean-time I have the old hire-bike back, thanks for that to the team at Manukau Elite Fitness, I would have been in big trouble keeping up with my programme with no way of indoor cycle training.   

I guess going back and forward to the shop does also make sure I get plenty of ‘strengthening’ exercise lugging the various bikes up and down the stairs at home.

Anyway, with that busy life thing cropping up again, I am taking some annual leave to get bike things done, but especially so I can get in the long road-bike ride of the week.   I just can’t fit that ride in on the usual day, Saturday, so this is where being a bit flexible with the training programme comes in, and an understanding workplace.   I have mapped myself a 90km route, chances are I shall deviate from it of course, but on a weekday I like to have a vague idea of where I need to go to get that sort of distance in and still not be too far from home in case I get a call from the school the children are at, its not a good look to say “sorry, cant pick my child up (for whatever childhood emergency), I’m 2 hours away”.   

Question of the week... I wonder if my flash new tread-less tyres will make me go faster?


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