Karen writes: Go Auckland Marathoners (and quarter and half!)

Well, this week has been ‘up there’ with my most strenuous ever, having done what has seemed like a lot of hours of, for me, pretty serious exercise.   I am uncomfortably aware that this is the start of a process, so things will get tougher, as I ponder what to do with my heavy legs and upset insides and a slight dose of the after-exercise shakes.   Anyway, while most of the Te Puru runners were off doing other things today, most notably those participating in the Auckland quarter, half or full Marathon, I was running running running myself.   Running and thinking how much more motivating it would have been to be part of the buzz of an event, rather than plodding one leg after another by myself (I did have company for the first few km, thanks for that).  I took some comfort from the fact that I was in my beloved forest, often on shady track rather than on unforgiving tarseal, and I suspect it would have been a hot sticky road by the end of a marathon effort in Auckland city today.    Going across the harbour bridge would have been pretty cool though, it is on my list, along with lots of other things for ‘after the ironman’.

Except I am kidding myself really about being part of an event, it would have killed me if I had to do anything more than wander along, which was exactly what I did today…

Well done everyone, hope it was a fabulous day, cant wait to hear how you all did! 


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