Karen writes: Grown-up

I used to worry about being embarrassed, there are plenty of opportunities for this as you wrestle with lycra, push your body to extremes, or try to operate equipment requiring some degree of coordination while zombie like with tiredness. Eventually you just get to the point where one embarrassment is much like another and you stop worrying too much!   I didn’t see yesterday's incident coming though and it was a salutary lesson in using your car as a wardrobe.

You see, I have everything in my car, there is cycling, swimming and running gear, there are supplements and potions and spare food and drink and clothes.  Anyway,  yesterday I went to visit some people I haven’t seen in... decades... probably not since I was a kid actually.  It was an important visit, and as I am all grown up now (mostly), I like to think I did relatively well on the maturity front, until I was backing out of the driveway someone noticed a small scrap of black fabric where the car had been parked.  I was handed my little item of lacy clothing which must have fallen out of the car when one of my girls opened their door… it seems that after my swim the day before I had just dumped my clothes in the backseat and wouldn’t you know it, that had to be what fell out on the driveway.  I tell myself it could have been worse, it could have been the monstrously ugly, skin coloured, expensive, highly scientific and reinforced sports version I bought at a running expo in Rotorua last year and am terrified to wear in case I should end up in a hospital and someone should see it!   Hey, they do say laughter is good for you...
