Karen writes: Spin cycling at home is not Ab-fab

I've struggled to keep up with the training programme this week.   Gym exercises at home on Monday didn't go well, I found myself at one point lying facedown on the floor after doing the 'down' bit of a press-up and not wanting to do the 'up' bit and the dreaded plank lasted all of 10 seconds.  Then I missed the swim on Tuesday because I wasn't ready to take my cold-bug into the pool, but I did persist with the spin, 60 minutes on Wednesday,  70 minutes spinning Thursday night.  After the first 5 minutes though on that dratted bike last night I had to argue vigorously with myself so as to not just climb off and go and do something else…like nothing.   I eventually dug out the portable DVD player and balanced it on the handlebars, found an Ab Fab DVD I hadn’t watched…hmmm… probably since pre-children days actually, and FORCED myself to pedal through two episodes.   The cringe bits made me pedal faster, so it was quite an active session and I ended up feeling pretty energised afterwards!


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