Karen writes: New Year, Nightmare, and Knees
Tomorrow it is 2012. The year of Ironman. Eek.
I had a nightmare last night, it was one of those nasty ones where the silly detail is horribly clear. It went like this....it was the morning of the 3rd of March but the fridge needed cleaning so I couldn’t be dropped off to do the Ironman until after the ice (?) had all been scraped out. The race was due to start at 8.30, my anxiety grew and when it was 5 minutes before the gun I got sick of waiting for transport and decided to run down the road to the start (I did worry that I was burning unnecessary energy). There were only a few people left, and I didn’t have my race number, so they gave me a new one and a pen (which didn't work) to write my name down. Then I realised I didn’t have my bike, wasn’t wearing sports gear, and my children were still with me. Then I woke up, so I don’t know how well I did! Doesn’t take a whole lot of imagination to figure out what that says about my subconscious activity.
Back in the real world (fortunately), my right knee was sore after the Thursday run up Manaia. I've done this track 4 times in 7 days, it is a good climb, going up around 400m over the distance of about 3.5km, and has 1000+ steps, plus there was the 4 hour effort on Tuesday over the Lion. I cant really say it was a surprise that it hurt when I poked the muscles on the inner-above knee aspect of each leg (but especially the right). As a result, yesterday I plastered on the antiflam, strapped the sore joint and did the same route but walking instead of running. I was lucky to walk with visiting cousin Glenn, and it reminded me of how nice it is to take some time, have a look around and talk for a change, rather than concentrating on pushing pushing pushing. Today the knee is still sore, so just a walk with my girls, no strenuous uphill work.
Home tomorrow, then I will get serious about following the programme. I've been working really hard running, and doing the hill work but no bike here, and swimming hasn't been practical. And I see Kate has been doing the hard yards with the swimming too...helloooo down there on the wild West Coast...you go girl!