Karen writes: Big ride Friday

The long bikeride of the week has to move from Saturday to Friday this week, that's how it goes sometimes (actually, often).   But finding over 4 hours for a ride, then another 1/2 hour or so for a run straight after, add plenty of extra minutes for preparation, changing and extra eating and a quick rest (she hopes) onto that and its quite a big ask of the whanau time-wise.   So tomorrow it is, the plan is to be up early, on the bike, and off charging around the countryside on two wheels as soon as it is light enough to see.

To make sure it happens, tonight I have put the bike outside, done the checks, loaded the water bottles, laid out the cycle clothes, and I will have my marmite sandwiches ready packed to go.   That last will take some thought, my plastic zip bags aren't working that well, and I keep forgetting that the flash little box which sits on the bar behind the handlebars has velcro on the flap, this catches my gloves every time I stick my hand in, very annoying but I only remember when I am riding.  There must be a more efficient way to either cut or pack the sammies so that I can get them out, one at a time, without nearly riding off the road when I do it.

Leanne from the Te Puru runners has just emailed to say she has signed on for the Rotorua half marathon...way to go Leanne, I feel a bit disorientated, I should be marathon training right now!  Oh, hang on, I am, sort of.


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