Karen writes: Messing up my programme again

Today the programme said "50 minutes swim, 70 minute tempo run".   Um, yep, so I went for a bikeride instead.

Why? I was lazy and the tide was too far out for enjoyable swimming by the time I crawled out of bed this morning.   I couldn't face committing to a swim and run  in the late afternoon, the main reason for this is that if I have the day at home with my holidaying girls I spend an awful lot of the day focusing on food, it gets complicated to not eat what and when they do and I don't like things complicated.  So I swapped tomorrows training with what I was meant to do today.

I enjoyed my brisk 2 hour bike-ride, it's the first time I have been on two wheels since the half IM. Nothing fell off the bike, it was pleasantly overcast and the rain held off till I got home, there was no drama, just nice riding. Tomorrow I shall get up early enough to catch the tide though.  Ugh.  Cold feet.


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