Karen writes: On track...somewhere

I am home from a 40 minute swim in the quite decent waves down at the local beach, which didn't go that well, I do struggle with the swim sometimes.   It was followed by an 80 minute run out to Duders park which went better.  Training can sometimes be tougher on the body than a much longer event, that's because you take events seriously, whereas training tends to be just clothes on and out the door.   I also got a few km down the road and remembered the instruction that I should take every opportunity to practice race nutrition.   Ok, not this time.

I did however have the pleasure of filling in day three of this weeks training plan, and while the order is a  little mixed, and some of the back-to-back session proportions aren't quite right, I have actually followed most of it for a change!   That is 5 hours I have found to exercise in the 3 days, but I cant feel too pleased with myself, tomorrow is the day off, then there are 3 heavy days, Friday has a swim/run like today, Saturday has a 110km bikeride followed by a run, and Sunday is a 20km run.  
