My longest swim ever, the beach was full of people when I got there, I wove between the bobbing heads, but by the time I finished most people had rolled up their rain wet belongings and abandoned the sand. The swim was 2.6km, I did think it was longer (it FELT longer), but when I checked the map, ah well. I especially practiced what I am now calling my 'panic stroke', so that if I get into trouble like I did at the half IM, I can swim inefficiently...more efficiently. Have also figured out that I am better shutting my eyes while my face is in the water, turn head, open eyes, head down...shut them. Be a bit rough if I am superfit, the body says 'GO', but the head says 'no can do' in the water so strategy is in order as well as getting fit.
Looking forward to a rainy run tomorrow morning with the Te Puru runners. I need 20km, so hope for my favorite bush run. If I don't run it for a few weeks things can change hugely, the gorse blooms, then the flowers are gone, purple foxglove takes over, then disappears, the native Clematis appears in the bush canopy and mountain bike tracks and ramps and things change and grow like something organic too. New eucalypts were just peeking over the scrub last time I was there 3 weeks ago (how did that go so fast?), I wonder what will be different this time.
Looking forward to a rainy run tomorrow morning with the Te Puru runners. I need 20km, so hope for my favorite bush run. If I don't run it for a few weeks things can change hugely, the gorse blooms, then the flowers are gone, purple foxglove takes over, then disappears, the native Clematis appears in the bush canopy and mountain bike tracks and ramps and things change and grow like something organic too. New eucalypts were just peeking over the scrub last time I was there 3 weeks ago (how did that go so fast?), I wonder what will be different this time.