Kate writes: Rider error

I've been having a few problems with my gears. Had to have the front one replaced. So of course its not working and its the bikes fault! So back to Cycle City to see Benny. Nothing wrong with it he says! But, its not working. He had it on a stand and I was watching him change gear. A penny dropped, he held the gear lever over much longer than I do, so maybe that's the problem. 30 minutes later I have learnt a lot more about the bike. Benny kept the bike for the day and also put aero bars onto it for me. I arrived back that afternoon to have the bike fitted for me with the new aero bars. Its a bit scary but my coach Mr Smith says give it a go. As I have improved so much already I just believe him. The mind plays a lot of games with us and the main thing I know is about believing in what you are doing and knowing that you can do it!


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