Kate Writes: Camp

I had been looking forward to camp for ages. The day had arrived, I drove to Taupo and arrived at the house full of people I did not know. It was scary. I unpacked the car and put my bike in the garage with all these amazing looking bikes. The little voice in my head started talking to me: Your'e not good enough, what you doing here! Go home. Big deep breath and unpacked my bags. I scored the single room, yep that was a good move. Or was it because I was the old lady!

First day we just had a 30 minute run. Managed that, no problems. 5:30 the next day out of bed and off for breakfast before a swim. I was the only one eating, maybe this is a mistake. Down to the lake and into our wet suits. Lets swim down to the first float and back. In we went, and the waves rocked me. Not sure about this but a few more strokes, out of my dept, sun rising and I could not see. The group had gone, but Garrad my coach swam next to me and off we went getting to the Buoy and round we went. Lesson learnt, need to do more sea swimming.

Back to the house and breakfast. I ate too close to the swim and felt bloated. I will remember not to do that again. Alisha was supporting her partner at the weekend and she was off for a bike ride. Hatape Hill was her problem. She was going to conquer it today. And she did.  The rest of us went off for a look at the course. This was great. It made so much more sense than looking at the map. We rode the hills, well they are slopes rather than hills. They are a slog up though, especially if you have a head wind.

Back to the house for lunch. In the afternoon we tried out  transition and what to put in our bags and our special needs bag. I was not going to have one but now it will have loads in it. Including a pair of shorts, just in case.   Another run that evening to look at the top end of the run course. Unfortunately my ankle started hurting again, so I walked back. But walking is good just have to walk fast.

Sunday we went out for the big ride early as the weather was going to change. Down to the start we went. Just got ready to ride off, turned my handles too quick and the ground came up to meet me. Not a good look. Nice group of people they came over and picked me up. My pump fell off and broke the strap. I had it taped back on, but by the time I got around the corner the pump was catching so I had to stop and take it off.
By this time everyone had gone. So off I went. I needed to get my head in a good place as it was not where it should be, self doubt is a bad thing. Anyway a good ride back to town and met up with Tina. Tina felt the same way as me. I was only going to ride around town and then back to the house, but Tina said lets go to Repora and Wayne will pick us up. Wow, I was so much Happier. We had a great ride back and the areo bars are my friend. We rode 140k, its only 16k less than around Taupo. I felt good. Went for another swim and felt better. That evening we went out to dinner. I managed to stay awake.

By now I know everyone's name and will see them all at ironman. It has been a great weekend and well worth it.    Monday morning is run day. With my ankle being sore I decided to walk  the course. 2 hours 11minutes to walk 14k. I can walk the marathon in 6 hours 30 minutes. Hopefully I will be running by then, but its good to have a plan.

The camp was everything I wanted. I need to think positively and run my own race. I'm now tired and need to rest, but roll on the next few weeks.


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