Karen writes: 6 days

Kate made a comment the other day which I didn't think too much about at the time, she said "don't wait around for me", when talking about the predicted late night conclusion of our IM mission.  She was making the assumption that I would come in ahead of her... this is the lady who can knock my socks off in the water, thrashed me at Taupo, and is doing major high speed work on the bike.   Well, it seems to me that this game is entirely open my friend, I should be saying to you "don't wait around for ME".

Like Kate, I had my priorities this week, getting the hair done was essential, and strangely enough I felt the need to update my will, both items normally very neglected.  So number 1, a visit to the lady out the back of Manukau and I now have spiky, streaky hair, short enough to defeat the toughest helmet, and number 2, a trip to the Public Trust and I am no longer leaving my worldly goods to people I haven't spoken to for decades.  I can now say I am almost fully prepared!

Anyway, as far as training goes, this past week I put in half the effort of the hardest training week which was earlier in the month.  On my last real cycle ride yesterday, I shortened the plan and did 70 frustratingly slow kilometers and then got home for a very short run.   The 18km run today was only 2km short of the plan, but it was through the much loved and marginally challenging hills behind Maraetai, and a little faster than usual because I was running with someone who set a steady pace.  Of course I couldn't back off on the pace, I'm meant to be ready for Ironman and Ironmen don't walk up hills, in public, if they can help it!  Tired now, legs twitchy...I ask why?   I am theoretically fitter that I have ever been (or am ever likely to be) but it sure doesn't feel like it sitting here with my feet up, compression tights on, and a brain full of fluff.

On the home front, the youngest daughter has a cold.  I can only hope not catch this one, and while I tell myself that that is the most likely scenario as I don't usually succumb to everything my dear little bug catchers bring home, the hint of anxiety is there when I have one of many smoochy cuddles.  I DONT want a cold.

But...focusing now...in 6 days time (144 hours), at this particular time (7pm), I will hopefully be on the road running (ha ha) with only 3 hours left to go...


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