Karen writes: Colds and paranoia

Kate has a cold.   I tell her she is lucky, she will have recovered from hers and be rested and raring to go in two weeks, I will catch one in a weeks time and hit Taupo in a flurry of self pity and damp tissues.  

But I feel for her, we are SO CLOSE to the big day, and this is where the paranoia starts stepping up...have we swumriddenrun enough...will we have rested enough?   Will that missed or shortened or lengthened swimriderun make the difference on the day?   Will not having tested this piece of equipment with that piece of equipment in combination with this supplement under that condition mean it all falls apart?   Will my bike have a catastrophic failure...am I an idiot to be riding my poor old Scott with its funny noises?   Are my shoes broken in enough?   Are my socks too broken in?  Will my clothes fit...I cant stop eating!!!

ENOUGH.  We have done the hard work and trained and trained for nearly a year.  We have run marathons, ridden almost the distance, and drunk whole swimming pools in our quest.  We have tested and trialed our poor bodies and our equipment in rain and heat and wind and more rain and more wind, even gale force!  Now we have 2 measly weeks to get through, 14...hang on...its only 13 days now and I have seen it written in a number of places that the biggest mistake a first time Ironman can make is to keep trying to get fitter and fitter too close to the event by not resting enough in the taper.

But...my irrational brain asks...what IF????  
