Karen writes: Pool bullies

Went for a swim at the Otara pool after work.  There were heaps of people, lots of families playing, lots of noise and fun, but the two lanes designated for swimmers were kept clear.  The first km I had a lane to myself, luxury, I was practicing breathing on both sides, and trying out some of the hints for better swimming I got off the internet.

The second km I was joined by a large lady who walked and swam very slowly. We got on fine, going up one side of the lane, and back down the other.  I would catch up with her every so often and we would do a bit of a dance around each other, smile and keep working away at our own pace.

The third km, we were joined by two ladies who had initially tried to take on the lane next to us which had two men swimming steadily up and down at a good pace.   Next thing these ladies were having a conversation in the middle of our lane, one on each side of the lane, and expressing fury when we dared approach them.  They did intermittent breast stroke with their legs across the entire lane, or walked in the water or lolled.  One 'shoo-ed' me away when I caught up with her at the end of the lane and got into her space! It was a hostile takeover of the 'medium' speed swimlane...

I got out and went home to do the planned 70 minute run.  No-one wins arguing with angry little white haired old ladies.


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