Karen writes: After Easter resolution

No point in resolutions regarding chocolate the week before Easter.  Therefore I have decided to stop beating myself up, shall ignore moderation, self control and all that stuff until next Tuesday, or perhaps a couple of days after that to let the after holiday chocolate sales subside.

Good run last night, 70 minutes, along the neat waterside trail through Omana park, to Beachlands and back again with a few small diversions to bring the distance up a bit.  Daylight saving has kicked in however, so it was dark by the time I got halfway home and I hadn't though to take a light with me, better do that from now on!

It is hill repeats tonight, ten of them.  Better do them to earn some advance credit for all those Easter eggs to be consumed over the weekend.

Rotorua Marathon is in 3 weeks.  30km training run on Sunday, I am planning on coming out of that feeling enthusiastic and ready to go.


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