Karen writes: Legs

I was saying to Kate the other day that magic massage months ago had fixed the problems with my lower legs, and they had been fine ever since.  Well, that was obviously ill-wishing myself, because on the last couple of runs I felt hot spots, particularly deep in my right calf.   Ohhh.  Off to the massage person again, and some deceptively gentle starting work led to some deeper digging and a string of sore spots identified down the inner aspect of not just the right leg, but the left leg too.  Cause to reflect that all those hours and hours doing triathlon training just don't seem to do the damage done by less than half the time running.  The magic massage person seems to think that running on uneven surfaces is probably contributing, but that isn't going to change, bush trails and country roads are my favorite places to run.

But I always feel worse the day after that sort of treatment, today the legs feel miserable, and am I keen on the idea of a 25km run tomorrow?  Not really.  Antiflam. Wheatbag. Stretch. Repeat. Tonight I will have to leave my running gear on the table downstairs all ready to go so there is no temptation to crawl back into bed because I cant find my socks.  

There might be a few unscheduled days off in the week before the Rotorua marathon methinks and that wont matter the slightest little bit.


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