I ran 24 relatively pleasant kilometers on Sunday, and yesterday I ran for a gorgeous half hour along the coast road with the sun going down. There is a small grassy spot at the Eastern end of Maraetai Beach where there is usually a small wild rabbit grazing at dusk, I see it often and wonder...firstly that it hasn't been 'pest controlled' out of existence, and secondly that it is unworried by vehicles on the busy road and me trespassing on it's turf. But I was aware as I ran that my right calf still hurt, and today it is tender in multiple places and feels hard, and it has passed its misery onto the left one (so it doesn't feel left out). So what to do tonight when a run would have made me feel good physically and mentally...but logic told me I was on the edge of an injury 3 days out from a marathon?
Yoga. Put the DVD into the player, and ahhhh...stretch and breeeeaaaathe and feel the body relaaaaaax. Yeah right. Try that with two kids who think it looks like a really cool thing to do and who assume the main reason mum is lying on the floor is so they can jump over her.
So I enjoyed it once I gave up trying to concentrate. The two girls joined me, contorting and squealing and asking "mum is this right?" and "mum am I doing it?". The little one turns out to be so flexible she could sit in one of those cross legged poses with her knees actually touching the floor, that's depressing. The pre-pre-teen is less flexible and had a limited attention span when things took more than a few seconds... and subsequently occupied herself with coming up with more and more inventive distractions. I was definitely entertained, I think I had a good stretch, but am probably not relaxed!
Anyway, looking ahead, I am sure my legs will be fine, Kate will get over her cold, and the following apparent weather 'trend' which starts with 'few showers' for the Anzac day parades tomorrow and seems to go progressively downhill towards Friday...wont culminate on Saturday in the sorts of extreme conditions we have had (and almost come to expect) for our last few events. I hope.
Anyway, looking ahead, I am sure my legs will be fine, Kate will get over her cold, and the following apparent weather 'trend' which starts with 'few showers' for the Anzac day parades tomorrow and seems to go progressively downhill towards Friday...wont culminate on Saturday in the sorts of extreme conditions we have had (and almost come to expect) for our last few events. I hope.