Kate Writes: Paid

I knew I had to book for ironman, but I kept forgetting. Is it not such a big thing anymore.I have until Tuesday to do it, so why worry! Well, I'm sure Karen will be pleased to know that I have done it. All filled in and paid for. Do I feel excited? no not really! But I did put in a faster time than I wanted to this year. So watch out I'm going to be faster and better.

Talking about faster, I ran in a race today. It was the Sand to Mud race in Waiuku. 8km. Hardly worth getting out of bed for, but my friend Rob had said that he could beat this fat old girl,and so a bet was made. $20 to the local fire force. He pulled out of the race weeks ago as he was in Australia, but I was not going to let the side down. There were 740 people running, and I came 301 in a time of 54mins. Not bad for me and my Achilles was ok, physio must be working. I'm usually in the bottom half of the results so its nice to be further up the list, mind you there were very small children beating me.

My arm is healing, today I needed to take the stitches out. I realised I have never had stitches and I have never taken my own out, left handed. Definitely felt a bit sqweemy, maybe next time I will go and see the nurse and pay for it to be done.

Any way roll on Ironman! I still want the tattoo!


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