Kate Writes: Sun

We've had such a poor summer this year it seems strange to be running in the sun.  With my scare of melanoma in the last few weeks, I'm taking more care about sunblock. Usually this time of the year I will not burn so little sunblock is put on, but now I spend ages applying factor 100. Face, arms, legs are all getting a coating. I tried running in a long sleeved  top but just got very hot and bothered.
I saw the plastic surgeons this week and they are going to give me a larger scar on my arm by removing more of the area where the mole was. They are also taking one off my back. I did try to convince them that I had a large one on my stomach area and I needed at least 2 inches of fat removed! Still its all good, they said we could leave it 3 weeks so I can run the Rotoura Marathon and go to my diabetes conference and finish my Uni course. Lots to do in the next few weeks.
I had a lovely run yesterday, just 10k. Mt daughter Sophie says I boast but its really just to boost my confidence. Tomorrow I will do my final run, about 21k I think. I will see my physio on Monday and then get ready to run!


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