Karen writes: first run after marathon

Last night I went out for a short run, partly to check that the legs still work after last weekend's marathon efforts, but also to take a look at the promised perigee moon.  Now I don't recall hearing the word 'perigean' in common usage before, however a friend mentioned it in an email, and since then it's been bandied about on the radio, repeated in the TV news and has appeared in the newspaper. So I had high(ish) expectations as I trotted off into the chilly night, heading east, looking for that larger, brighter 'super-moon'.

Sadly the moon didn't look any different from usual.   Happily however the legs worked fine, and rather unusually, I showed some sense and came home after a brisk 5km, feeling that I could have gone much further.   Tomorrow morning it's time for the Sunday catch up with the Te Puru runners.  I feel really good, and the only leftover sign from spending all those hours on the road less than a week ago is a propensity to eat everything in sight, but it is a funny place to be without anything to actively aim for.  The idea is to have a month of taking it easy... whatever that means... before starting a 12 week marathon programme again in June then it's all on, back on the Ironman trail.


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