Karen writes: Good intentions...Monday

Kate has a new plan.  I'm planning too.  I have given myself a severe talking to, it is a month exactly since the Rotorua marathon, and only 13 weeks out from our next marathon.  It is time to stop treating myself like a precious wimp, and even if my arm isn't 100% yet, there is no reason why I cant take action to drop some weight, do some leg strength training, and make the running I am managing more useful.

So I have purchased a diary.  This one is meant to be especially for 'triathletes'.   It has lots of little boxes to fill out and spaces to record weights and goals and achievements, and something called a 'key session' record where you do the same thing (eg, 10km run) again, just better. It is surely guaranteed to make me a better athlete!   The diary starts on Monday, I plan on keeping it beside my bed so I can reflect (good word that) on my training activities.   Tomorrow is my last long run taking the current lazy approach, and after tomorrow I am determined that even if I achieve nothing else I will stop rewarding myself excessively with food after running (but I have earned that chocolate).  Me and my diary...getting SERIOUS on Monday!


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