Karen writes: Long may we run...

Official clearance for light running!  I'm happy now.   But am taking today off after the physio session, my shoulder hurts, but I can't dispute that things continue to improve. I still can afford to be a little bit nice with myself right now, when the training kicks in again properly for the next challenge I need to be fully recovered because barring injury the work wont be stopping for...oh dear...9 more long months.  What is the next challenge? Why, another marathon of course.  We have signed up for the next one at the end of August, just 15 weeks away.

I was sent a useful article recently.  I have harbored the secret dream to be running and participating in events for many years to come.  Every time I go to an event, I look at the senior members of the sporting fraternity, sigh when I see how much faster they are than I am, but also their continuing success reassures me because they represent tangible evidence that being very fit is possible even into the 8th decade for some.   It is hard to find anything written that talks in a practical sense about HOW people do it, they seem to just get on with it.  This article from the Running Times is the most practical and positive thing I have seen yet on the topic, it dispels myths about running causing joint damage, talks about having a long running life, but also, most importantly, about how it is still possible to improve.  Have a look, I found it quite inspiring... Ten Strategies for Running Longevity.  Funnily enough it also mentions muscle imbalance, just like the physio.


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