Karen writes: Perfect run recipe

I wish there was a recipe to ensure the perfect preparation to guarantee a great run.  Sometimes though it is perfectly accidental that you get things right and come back from a hard effort feeling just plain "YES!".  I did my fastest 10 km tonight, there were a few big hills, road-works, it was cold and getting dark, but I was flying.

I thought about it while one leg was following another with unusually little effort and concluded there were plenty of reasons for a poor performance, and no reasons for a good one.  Like the heavy duty run yesterday should have meant the legs were tired, a sedentary day at work today would normally make me stiff and cranky, the shoes are at the end of their lives and have lost much of their bounce, and this afternoon the shoulder was feeling a bit stressed after a trip to the physio.

I know...the secret just has to be the sneaky custard square from the Hollywood bakery down the road from the physio, it was the only thing I did different! You see I was feeling a bit miserable having made the decision that I should just harden up and get the steroid injection, and do it sooner rather than later. I walked into the bakery still clutching my referral form and told myself some lies about custard being a healthier choice because it had some dairy in it.  I ate it in the car on the way home, direct from the bag, with unashamedly sticky fingers.  Bliss.

You know what this means though, I can ignore all the conventional wisdom next time I prepare for a run, all I need to do is have a custard square. Right?


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