Karen writes: Really slack week

I thought I was being slack before, just running when and for however long I felt like, 4-5 days a week, no interval training or any of that 'tempo pace' stuff which I never did figure out, what with being permanently stuck on 'slow'.

This week I have managed two runs of less than half an hour, both times starting off with good intentions but turning around and heading home when the knee started complaining.   Between the sore knee and dodgy shoulder I am feeling rather limited, but not worried enough (or heavy enough) yet to hop on the dreaded spin bike for some cross training.   I finally recalled that my leg problems are often associated with shoes past their best. Sure enough, I picked up my current pair and the wear is obvious and they flex more like sandshoes than good supportive runners. Come to think of it they probably have about 800km on them considering I bought them in January and trained for and did the last half Ironman, and a marathon in them.  Lots of memories in those shoes, but I must be hard and get rid of the things...I need a new pair.

The thing to remember about these sorts of injuries though is that it is highly likely they will go away as long as you don't do anything too silly.  Like leap madly back into training, or keep wearing old saggy shoes.  Ultimately you will also probably get another injury and forget about what you were worried about before, one displaces another!

It is hard to take it easy though, when I look at the last marathon programme, at 9 weeks out (next week) I should do gym, run a 60 minute, 70 minute, 45 minute, and a 20km.  Sigh.  And of course Kate is racing ahead, she is swimming and cycling and running.  Go Kate!


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