Kate writes: I've forgotten it all !

I'm back into my Friday swimming. I have my head in a good place and know i can do it! We had a session on technique. Free style  with stretching out as far as you can go. No problem with that. But I was sinking! tuck your chin in says the coach. Wow what a difference. I can not see where I am going but I do not sink anymore. It seems strange after theses years, it seems , of swimming that I have so much to learn.
On Sunday I went biking with the group. It was the first time out on the road bike since the half ironman in March. First I had to wipe the cobwebs off the bike. It was a cold morning but the sun was shining, so off we went. I got left behind as usual, but that was ok. But it was hard work going up the hills. I had the gear in the big chain ring, after all that was the easiest one! It must have taken me most of the ride to remember how the gears worked. It really is sad at how quickly we forget.


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