Kate writes: AGM

Last night we had the Waiuku multisports AGM. The group have been very supportive of me over the last year. I mean to say that I am the slowest bike rider and runner but someone always stays with me and helps me along. So when Clive suggested I joined the committee, I thought Why not. Give back something to the club, after all they give me huge amount of support. 
So we met up at 5:30 for a quick run before the meeting. 10k later we were back. I'm beginning to enjoy the night runs. I never know where we are going but its always exciting. We ran down around sand spit reserve. The reflection of the Mill on the water was magical. The water was very inviting and almost felt like a swim! HaHaHa.
The main speaker was a lady called Emma Mc Cosh. She is a physiotherapist and a sports women. She talked about her latest event which was a 10 day adventure race in Chile. 4 hours sleep a night, walking, mtb , kayaking. I thought Ironman was hard but this was really hard. I liked her ideas about goals, 1) to finish 2) have fun.  They are very much like mine. Its always to finish and to have fun. She also talked about injury and recovery. Some very good ideas. Might try her out.


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