Karen writes: Getting back on track
Injuries have taken most of my attention since the Rotorua Marathon at end of April, first the shoulder, then 7 weeks ago the ITB. I have followed my original recovery plan pretty much, sought and attempted to reconcile lots of advice (proper roller/different exercises) and wondered if I would ever get back on track with my training so as to be ready for the Sunshine Coast Marathon, now in less than 3 weeks. I am really happy to report now that last week things started getting better! I gave up trying to run properly in late July and have since been focusing on fast walking, not 'race-walking' though...that was just too tough to get good at in the short time-frame and it seemed to set off the ITB problem just like the running. I've been doing this hard-out ordinary walking and with effort (and my nike sportband) I can manage to scoot along walking an 8 minute km. This walking has become interspersed with short runs, and I found I could avoid pain by being really rigorous about slowing to a walk as soon as the tell-tale tightness started up just above the knee, speeding up only when the tightness went away (usually about 2-3 minutes). That was quite hard in itself, going between the very different styles and getting momentum going again. The picture shows the variation in my pace for a 15km last week.
The good news is that these efforts culminated in a 25km run/walk yesterday which took 2 hours 45 minutes. Even allowing for a slowdown towards the end of the 42km this pace should well and truly get me in under the 6 hour cutoff...even if I do look somewhat uncommitted or unfit with all the stopping and starting.
I did remember while I was out (feeling delighted with my latest new approach), that last year at the Perth City to Surf marathon I talked to a man who ran a bit then walked a bit because of his knee injury. I can't help but wonder if he was dealing with the same thing, is this a secret survival thing among the experienced 'run for enjoyment' marathon crowd? Anyway, roll on Sunshine Coast marathon, I will be ready for you!
The good news is that these efforts culminated in a 25km run/walk yesterday which took 2 hours 45 minutes. Even allowing for a slowdown towards the end of the 42km this pace should well and truly get me in under the 6 hour cutoff...even if I do look somewhat uncommitted or unfit with all the stopping and starting.
I did remember while I was out (feeling delighted with my latest new approach), that last year at the Perth City to Surf marathon I talked to a man who ran a bit then walked a bit because of his knee injury. I can't help but wonder if he was dealing with the same thing, is this a secret survival thing among the experienced 'run for enjoyment' marathon crowd? Anyway, roll on Sunshine Coast marathon, I will be ready for you!