Karen writes: Coach...or no coach...that is the question?
I am free-floating at the moment, seem to have fallen off the radar of the previous coach so I am plugging along for now repeating what I did last year, and I have to say I am finding it a bit hard. Having the backstop of expert advice, even if you exercise the option to disagree, is handy, and the effect of someone saying "you are doing OK" after a hard week where you haven't felt OK cant be undervalued. I've made a half-hearted effort to make a new coaching arrangement, it's been interesting. A meeting with a local personal trainer was an education, good guy, very knowledgeable and obviously excellent at what he did but funnily enough he felt I was outside the scope of his business, it seemed that he didnt think he had enough specialist endurance/triathlon expertise to offer me much...except for strength training, ick. Perhaps this relationship was impacted on too by me turning up for my appointment after having run over from the next door town, puffing and sweaty, resplendent in well-worn merinos, woolly hat, headlamp, carrying drink, food, and with a handkerchief and whistle hanging from my fuel belt, enough to frighten anyone off. Anyway, after that rather disillusioning experience I sent a text to Kate to say that I had been "rejected". Another coach who had been recommended didn't ring me back, someone else seemed to have insurmountable IT communication problems, one coach was so busy that making an appointment to talk was impossible...so I gave up...
I shall have to see how things go, and worry about if and what professional input I need further down the track, who knows, perhaps the previous trainer will re-emerge. This week however I am pleased to say I am on track for my own version of training, with Monday off (no-one to tell me off for that), Tuesday 70 minute spin with high cadence/light resistance, Wednesday 40km hard cycle, and Thursday a tired 8km run through the bush. Of course the hardest stuff for this week is to come, the pool is closed at Otara so I will have to don the wetsuit and catch the midday high tide at the local beach for a 1500m swim, there is a 90km cycle ride to fit in with all the windy rainy weather, and of course Sunday is reserved for the long run. It will be a busy weekend.
Speaking of wind and rain, I feel for the international athletes who are in Auckland for the World Triathlon Grand Final. It could be a challenging few days on the roads.
I shall have to see how things go, and worry about if and what professional input I need further down the track, who knows, perhaps the previous trainer will re-emerge. This week however I am pleased to say I am on track for my own version of training, with Monday off (no-one to tell me off for that), Tuesday 70 minute spin with high cadence/light resistance, Wednesday 40km hard cycle, and Thursday a tired 8km run through the bush. Of course the hardest stuff for this week is to come, the pool is closed at Otara so I will have to don the wetsuit and catch the midday high tide at the local beach for a 1500m swim, there is a 90km cycle ride to fit in with all the windy rainy weather, and of course Sunday is reserved for the long run. It will be a busy weekend.
Speaking of wind and rain, I feel for the international athletes who are in Auckland for the World Triathlon Grand Final. It could be a challenging few days on the roads.