Karen writes: Old age

Went to the GP yesterday morning, had run out of the thyroid pills and that is not a smart thing to do, especially when the energy levels need to be stable for training.  I tell myself I should be more organised, guess what...I'm not.  Anyway, the blood pressure was checked, the heart sounds listened to, questions were asked, and the last set of lab results were gone over.  All good.  Drat.  Well, not 'drat' actually, I had been having lots of muscle and joint pain, it would come, stay for a few days or a week or two then go away, and it didn't seem to relate to the exercise so tests were in order. Nothing showed in the tests so it IS really good that there was nothing sinister, but not so good that there isn't an obvious reason for the problem.

Except there is an obvious reason...the GP said...very tactfully I thought, "have you considered it might be an age thing?" and said 'normal people' would take non-steroidal anti-inflammatories.  Sigh.

Anyway, this old bag was sent off "in good shape", with approval to continue to follow her mad pathway, and with a laughing reference to not having to worry about my heart as I was "doing my own treadmill tests" ringing in my ears.

I can however look back with satisfaction on the 3 day weekend's training efforts - ticking the boxes with the 101km bike ride on Saturday, 20km  run on Sunday, and an 1800m sea swim on Monday.  The swim was really pleasing, I've done so little in the water that I was feeling a bit anxious about it, especially since I have signed up for a Panasonic standard distance triathlon at Maraetai beach in a couple of weeks...which has a 1500m swim.  I am happy that I am on track now, having reassured myself that swimming in the sea encased in a wetsuit is so much easier than pool swimming, and my new neoprene hat keeps my head and ears beautifully warm in the cold water, though with it's funny little chinstrap I did feel like I was wearing a bonnet.


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