Kate writes: Auckland half marathon
I know I've been absent from the blog. Life has been busy and complicated. But Today I was signed up to run the Auckland half. I'm very determined and when I say I'm going to do something I do it. The reason I was doing the run was that my friend Rach said back in April why not and we could train together and go faster! Well I left Rach still in bed this morning as well as Audrey who had a hurt knee and could not run. The morning started at 5am. we had stayed up in town as it was an early start. Looking out of the window you could see party goers coming out of the night clubs very drunk. You could also see the runners walking towards the ferry terminal. Off I went and joined the group of runners. We all looked like little ants converging on the boats.
I got over to Davenport and got a cup of coffee. It was 40 minutes to the start of the race and thousands of people were queuing for the toilets. I got into the race shute looking for the pacers but it was so packed that I could see no one. So I just focused on my run and getting started.
It was a different race than usual. Loads of people every where. You could not run in a straight line, the road was uneven and people and objects just got in the way. No one really talked. I got to the first water point, started walking and getting my gel out, people were just pushing past and not really stopping for water. It was hot by this stage.
I met a friend who I cycle with and we walked up the Harbour bridge and then off again. felling good I pushed a bit faster and finished feeling that I had done a good run. 2hours and 22 mins. not bad but not fast enough. But when I looked at the results I am now in the top 40% of finishers for my age, so that's a lot better than previously.
Another run finished. On to Taupo bike ride. Better get riding.
I got over to Davenport and got a cup of coffee. It was 40 minutes to the start of the race and thousands of people were queuing for the toilets. I got into the race shute looking for the pacers but it was so packed that I could see no one. So I just focused on my run and getting started.
It was a different race than usual. Loads of people every where. You could not run in a straight line, the road was uneven and people and objects just got in the way. No one really talked. I got to the first water point, started walking and getting my gel out, people were just pushing past and not really stopping for water. It was hot by this stage.
I met a friend who I cycle with and we walked up the Harbour bridge and then off again. felling good I pushed a bit faster and finished feeling that I had done a good run. 2hours and 22 mins. not bad but not fast enough. But when I looked at the results I am now in the top 40% of finishers for my age, so that's a lot better than previously.
Another run finished. On to Taupo bike ride. Better get riding.