Karen writes: Penguin suit

The wind was gusting 40km per hour, every time I looked outside the office today it seemed to get worse, so much for the planned bike ride this evening.  Anyway, driving home it was clear that going out on two wheels was just plain stupid, so a run and spin were the substitute.

I got home and changed into the new penguin suit...otherwise known as a sleeveless 'tri-suit', 'onesie' or the "you cant POSSIBLY be wearing that outside can you?".  It consists of lightly padded tri-pants and a form fitting singlet stuck together, sort of like long legged togs, and it was a super bargain from the $20 bin at a bike shop in Cambridge last weekend. I couldn't leave it there, it was the right size, Orca brand which is really good, and down from $180 so it seemed like an excellent way to try out something novel without massive investment.  The first time I wore it was on Wednesday for the Stroke and Stride, it went on under the wetsuit and had the advantage of not threatening to come off like ordinary tri-pants do when you yank the wetsuit down.  The disadvantage of course is needing to be Houdini to get to the toilet but other people seem to manage, I was sure I could too. I wasn't brave enough to wear it by itself though and dragged on a t'shirt for the run to maintain some pride, but it turned out to be so comfortable, no constrictions round the waist, no top riding up, no chafing, a dream.

Today I still wasn't brave enough to wear the penguin suit solo, my jacket got tied around my waist and the fuel-belt over the top helped break up the uninterrupted shoulder to thigh clinging black and white lycra.  I scuttled the few km up the main road before I got onto the bush trails hoping no-one I knew would notice the rather...insubstantial... nature of my attire and that my top and bottom were suspiciously streamlined...but again, it was soooo comfortable.  What a dilemma, supreme comfort versus not wanting to inspire terror in the local populace by wearing something definitely more suited to the young of body rather than young at heart?


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