Karen writes: Tapering now for IM

I've taken to heart the endurance writers who recommend taper for Ironman being at least 3 weeks long (other events might be 2 weeks or none at all if you haven't been training very hard) and am now reducing my workload by 20% for the next 2 weeks, and will probably do very little in the final week.  Last week was therefore the last of the hard(ish) work, I had my longest swim, 3rd longest ride, and 2nd equal longest run.  When I go out for training sessions now I am trying to think about race-day, so yesterday for example before the 27km run I had a 4am 'race breakfast' (rice porridge made with milk, sultanas, fruit salad), and tried to follow my planned run nutrition using solid gels, electrolyte capsules and drinking water at what I estimated were likely to be water-stop intervals.  I wore the running clothes I expect to wear on the day, including my new Zoot tri-shorts which I am pleased to report look set to become firm favourites, I put them on and forgot about them which is always a good sign.

I'm at the point of stashing things away.  My pink compression legwarmers (after a marginally successful scrub to get rid of  at least some of the black chain grease) have been put in a bag, I will collect my best bike and run socks when they have dried on the line and pack them, and I'm back to hoarding things like drink bottles, chafe cream pottles, sunscreen and blister plasters so as to have enough for each of the 3 transition bags.  The brand new goggles I bought last week have been tried and seem to work well, so they will be worn one more time to make sure that the silicone sits properly around my eyes and then they will be put aside too, must organise a spare as well so it might be another trip over to the Otara pool shop for another pair of $15 Spanks which seem to be as good for me as the more expensive ones.

Kate was in my office this morning, she talked about her training and it is always hard to think "oh no, I'm not doing that", but at the end of the day your training is your own and you cant compare with someone else.  Also, what is done is now DONE, getting fitter isn't an option with less than 3 weeks to go, it's time to just keep the legs ticking over, work on the head, plan and rest.

Speaking of which, time to dust off the old plan, I'm guessing things might have changed since it was written a whole year and an awful lot of miles ago.


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