Karen writes: Ok, call me nuts...

I've done it, I've signed up again for NZ Ironman.

One of the questions in the entry was "why?", and I wrote "hooked". That's a bit simplistic really, but definitely part of the picture, I would probably be more accurate to say "not cured".  There was  a bit of stuff going on in the time before the 2013 Ironman that made the journey less than ideal, and I rather feel that I want another chance to do things a bit better, not necessarily improve my time, though that would be nice, but actually feel that I gave it my best shot rather than just a shot which (thank goodness) ended with getting the t'shirt on the day.  There is also the fact that it is the 30th anniversary event in 2014, now that is a great number and I suspect it would be well worth being part of such milestone celebrations.  While trying to make the decision (which wasn't hard, I knew I wanted to sign up the day after), I thought about what would I do for the coming year anyway without the Ironman goal.  What about all the experience I now have, all the swimmingcyclingrunning gear, the bike at last superbly trained...sorry I mean tuned, the new tri-bars and fancy drink bottle, and the nearly full super-size container of protein recovery drink in the pantry? What about all the food I couldn't eat next Christmas, and then there is the question of how on earth could I face that weekend early in March 2014 without being terribly jealous of those down in Taupo doing what I had so enjoyed the previous year?  Nothing for it, another dose of Ironman and hopefully this time will be the cure!

So I'm officially signed up for the third year in a row.  I wonder what new roadbumps, challenges, injuries, glitches, perils, and more than compensating joys this coming...353 days, 9 hours and 27 minutes...will bring?  First step, Rotorua marathon on Saturday 4 May.  Will I manage 4 1/2 hours this time?  Yeah right, my marathons are getting longer not shorter...


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