Karen writes: What now?

Well, I know what now for me, I'm doing Ironman next year, after a few events on the way, the usual suspects...Rotorua marathon, Taupo Cycle Challenge, Rotorua half Ironman, and probably a few more tucked in there for interests sake.  For example, just today, Kate has convinced me I really want to do the King of the Bays ocean swim on the North Shore in a few weeks...madness, I loathed the swim training and this is now Autumn going on for winter!

What now for the blog though?  We have achieved what we started out for, we are Ironmen (people, women, athletes?) admittedly a wee bit late, and we plan to have a cheque to present to a representative of the diabetes services in Christchurch, hopefully at the NZSSD conference in Napier in May.  Donations still being collected here.  The question Kate and myself asked each other was does the blog still have any reason to exist, or has it run out of legs now that you have journeyed with us through 2 over indulgent Christmases, 3 marathons, 3 half Ironmen, 2 100 mile bike races and other assorted swims, rides, runs and tris plus at last an Ironman?  After an intense and and highly scientific (yeah, tui moment) look at the blog stats, it seems that once we remove the extraordinarily large number of views from people in Russia (sorry, sincere apologies to any actual individuals in Moscow who are avidly following our little blog covering happenings at the bottom of the world and who AREN'T spammers), there are still lots of readers, and we both think we have more to explore and learn about and pass on as ahem...mature women/worker/mum athletes.  So we continue to journey...somewhere, and we will continue to write.

Anyway, post Ironman update, 16 days after...the body cant remember doing anything significant but my head still hasn't quite gotten to a point where I can sit down and think critically about what worked and what didn't work. I can now claim to be able to think about things other than my next meal though.  I mentioned in my last blog entry that training was stepping up, the intent was to stick religiously to my brand new 8 week marathon training plan which I put together while trying to balance two concepts in my head, 1) someone's advice that the definition of stupidity is to keep doing the same thing over and over again when it doesn't work...ie, I don't get any faster, and 2) if it ain't broke don't fix it...ie, I do actually finish.  Not much ended up being changed from previous plans and training proper for Rotorua marathon started on Sunday with me ignoring what I had written for that day completely...and today I have added swimming back into the mix.  Great start, or should I just say 'business as usual'!


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