Karen writes: Tapering for Wellington
How do these tapers come round so quickly? I never feel 'cooked' for events, always think I'm not ready enough, and I'm sure it's too early to slow down and rest. But Sunday I went out and did 28km in the pouring rain, clearly I have had the longest run I'm going to get for this event, probably in perfect Wellington-winter-style weather conditions though, but I have now run out of time to do more.
Oh but my legs felt tired towards the end of that long slog. I blame the spin bike session at Te Puru on Thursday night, that will teach me for ignoring the bike for 3 whole months, I lose my bike legs! Probably also a lesson that running to and from the spin session might have been sensible during triathlon training, but a wee bit over-ambitious when volume has scaled right back during run season.
This weekend I plan a nice 21.1km, its the Strawberry moon virtual half marathon (or 5 or 10km) organised by a fabulous international group of runners and walkers called moonjoggers. It can be run any time between the 16th and the 30th of June, but I'm nearly out of weekends what with a marathon on the 23rd. The instruction is to wear stripes if possible in support of the good cause, and I even have a race number to wear. Probably better laminate it if the weather is anything like Sunday just gone. I mean it was so wet there were worms all over any concrete or tarseal surfaces and my feet were making squelching noises in my shoes so my poor toes were wrinkled when I took my socks off.
Two shorter runs this week, and I'm undecided about the spin session, perhaps driving to it might be the sensible choice...but, since when is life about being sensible all the time?
Oh but my legs felt tired towards the end of that long slog. I blame the spin bike session at Te Puru on Thursday night, that will teach me for ignoring the bike for 3 whole months, I lose my bike legs! Probably also a lesson that running to and from the spin session might have been sensible during triathlon training, but a wee bit over-ambitious when volume has scaled right back during run season.
This weekend I plan a nice 21.1km, its the Strawberry moon virtual half marathon (or 5 or 10km) organised by a fabulous international group of runners and walkers called moonjoggers. It can be run any time between the 16th and the 30th of June, but I'm nearly out of weekends what with a marathon on the 23rd. The instruction is to wear stripes if possible in support of the good cause, and I even have a race number to wear. Probably better laminate it if the weather is anything like Sunday just gone. I mean it was so wet there were worms all over any concrete or tarseal surfaces and my feet were making squelching noises in my shoes so my poor toes were wrinkled when I took my socks off.
Two shorter runs this week, and I'm undecided about the spin session, perhaps driving to it might be the sensible choice...but, since when is life about being sensible all the time?