Karen writes: Wellington weather

Who...I say who, decides to take the kids on their first plane trip to Wellington when it is in the grip of gale-force winds, heavy rain, snow in the hills?

And I have to say, what kind of idiot decides to go from Auckland with a high of 14 degrees to run a marathon in said Wellington, with predicted rain, winds and start temperature of 5 degrees?  It will be interesting to see how many turn up on the day, with a pre-booked field of around 5000 (all distances) according to the organisers.

Thank goodness for the big red shed and their two for one thermals sale.  Younger daughter is upset because I have said she is to wear warm socks and boots not the strappy sandals with a heel, older daughter thinks the idea of ice sounds really "cool".

Yep, cool alright, especially for us wimpy Aucklanders.  Anyway, I'm refusing to check the airline website until at least lunchtime to see if our plane is likely to leave on-time, or at all.  Poor Wellington, had such a hard time last night with the awful weather and here I am worried about travel for personal entertainment...

Anyway, if we actually get to Wellington, the weather looks to be likely to have improved for Sunday, just showery, windy, cool.  I put my cool weather running gear on, the 10 year old said I looked like I was going to rob a bank.


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