Karen writes: Touch Rugby at Te Puru
Been taking smallest daughter down to touch rugby practice on a Tuesday evening. I drop her off with her mates and head off for a nice run myself, out to Beachlands for a few km, then back to Te Puru to run round the field while keeping an eye on how she is doing in her new chosen activity. There are other runner mums, the possibility is there for a bit of company sometimes which is a bonus. I hadn't realised however until the first game of the season yesterday just how popular the game actually is. I mean the Beachlands and Maraetai townships aren't that big in the scheme of things but there were thousands of people at Te Puru, multiple fields going and game after game starting with the young ones and ending with the more mature. I watched the small ones run and dodge and the spectators expend lots of energy yelling encouragement... often to both teams at once as it seemed there were more than a few siblings playing each other. All was followed up by the ubiquitous sausage in bread with lashings of tomato sauce.
Being someone who participates in what are in effect solo sports I had to reflect on the massive amount of effort goes into organising this sort of thing, I really hadn't appreciated the scale before and can only have utmost admiration for those with so much passion for the topic. Anyway, more here: Beachlands Maraetai Touch Rugby club.
Then the realisation came that this happens every Wednesday over the summer season...hmmm...might have to go back to the training programme and rework it with Wednesday my new day off, especially as it seems that there is a roster for cooking all of those dratted sausages.
Being someone who participates in what are in effect solo sports I had to reflect on the massive amount of effort goes into organising this sort of thing, I really hadn't appreciated the scale before and can only have utmost admiration for those with so much passion for the topic. Anyway, more here: Beachlands Maraetai Touch Rugby club.
Then the realisation came that this happens every Wednesday over the summer season...hmmm...might have to go back to the training programme and rework it with Wednesday my new day off, especially as it seems that there is a roster for cooking all of those dratted sausages.