Karen writes: Good driver, bad driver, lucky driver

I went home on Friday after work and fitted in a short bikeride to clevedon and back, about 45km.  It was alarmingly hot, the tar was making popping noises when I rode over it. I puffed in the still air and wondered if I should have re-applied sunscreen even though the heat of the day was technically over.  I'm ready to ride Taupo I kept telling myself, goodness, I couldn't possibly be worse than I was those first few times we rode round the lake...but then I wouldn't want to be, that was 9-10 hours of TORTURE.

As I scooted back along the road towards the coast, there is a narrow tree-lined stretch. I was racing for home at this stage, enjoying the shade, a blue car came up behind me and that was ok, they weren't trying anything silly, they just sat there far enough back for me to feel secure, waiting for a clear stretch that was safe to overtake in.  Good driver. Next thing there was the roaring of a motor, lots of horn tooting and yelling, I didn't look back, I didn't want to know, head down and pedal and hope.  The car behind me stayed behind, we came to a short stretch with better visibility, cue blue car to overtake, good distance, unhurried, good job.  Next came the browny green (bile?) coloured vehicle, revving engine, hooting horn, narrow road going up a hill now. The driver had his windows down and he pulled alongside me close enough for me to touch his car easily, he yelled something and then took off.  I didn't think, I yelled back and as he pulled away I made a universal hand signal to show my disapproval. Then my brain engaged, what a stupid thing to do!  Mad man with poor judgement who had already put me at big risk, me alone on a bike on an isolated stretch of road, what was I doing trying to escalate the situation?  So I kept pedaling for a bit expecting to see the car turn and come back, what would I do?

He didn't come back, and a little while later I had calmed down and I realised that the driver behind the wheel of his sad little car probably hadn't noticed my stupid display of bad judgement.  I even had a chuckle to myself when I considered the merits of being cool in a car that when the accelerator is floored responds with a sad little urr noise and a few pathetic exhaust pops as it lurches away.  Of course he could have just as easily killed me, uncool car or not, but on Friday he didn't.  Bad driver.

Now a bit further up the road I crested a small hill and there was a driveway on my side of the road with a Toyota Surf turned into it.  As I pedaled towards the car I watched it, was it going to move...didn't look like it.  I pulled past it and just as I did so it started backing out into me.   I wobbled away and yelled and yelled so hard I hurt my throat.  The driver looked shocked and stopped and called out that he was sorry, he didn't see me.  Lucky driver.  Well actually...lucky me!


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